We are in the final weeks. To say we are ready is an understatement. I will admit, I’m not the most fun to be around and this little dude is acting like he’d love to get out as well. Adalyn even asked me the other day to go to the doctor and get baby brother out. She’ll be singing a different tune in a few short weeks. 😉 Although we are all mentally and physically ready, we are unfortunately NOT ready with the house. We finally got the room put together last weekend but we still have so much organizing and cleaning to do. Funny how with Adalyn I was done with everything about a month ago in my pregnancy. This one I think I have all the time in the world. HA! At least we have everything, that’s the important part.
Lastly I thought it would be fun to pull out a picture of me at 35 weeks of Adalyn (left photo) and recreate it. I really wanted to do this last weekend when I was in fact 35 weeks but it was a busy weekend and I got a cold. So I made sure to do it this weekend. Not much difference in one week right. 😉 But let me tell you I knew I was carrying different with this one but you can see it as well. Adalyn was VERY round in my belly. This little dude just sticks right out front. He’s like a watermelon shoved up my shirt. Ha! So glad I did this and it’ll be fun to show the kiddos when they’re older.
But for now I’m off to rest, I might be quiet till after the baby is born, who knows. Although I can tell you I will be starting a new 365 project again at the first of the year, so this blog will eventually become active again. 😉 I have a handful of photog friends who started this month and I’m so jealous I can’t start with them. But sometimes you have to realize your limitations and starting one right now is just not in the cards. I’m sure the new baby will help with the motivation come the the 1st of January.

Christmas 2009 – 35 weeks with Adalyn | Today – 36 weeks with little man
Candace - I love the comparison!