Crazy Lady


Yep it’s that time again to re-start my 365.  At least I can say I’ve completed one in 2011 and soon to be 2013 right?  😉  This pictures sums up how I anticipate this year being… crazy.  Just like this cute little 2 (almost 3) year old of mine.  I hope you follow along and if you do please leave your website so I can return the favor!

Jumping on her bed after I pulled her bedding off for washing.  It’s the best time to do that according to her.

  • amyk - She’s getting so big!ReplyCancel

  • courtney - love it!!! your color is beautiful!! did you use your expodisc??? love her little red nails…what a little lady 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Misty - Well glad to know I am not the only crazy one doing it again! I laughed when I saw you were attempting it again too. So glad you are doing this. This IS how we initially became friends, remember? 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Emily - I am so excited to see your photos this year Melissa and go on the journey with you! I know I will be inspired and learn so much :o). I love the moment you captured here, it shows such personality and the colors are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Davina - I love this! So looking forward to being on this journey with you, Melissa! Cheers to ca-razy!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - Yay! We can do this! I have edited yesterday’s pics, but not posted yet. Woops! I love how she is peeking out behind her hair. Delia thinks that if we are at home, the hair should be down. No bows or clips!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - So cute! I am looking forward to following along with you and hopefully keeping up with my own 365! This is my fist time so we will see… 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Anna - I am looking forward to following along with you. I have been a reader of your blog this year and love your photos. The light in this photo is amazing. Can’t wait to see more photos.ReplyCancel

  • Anna - I love your photography Melissa. I have been a reader of your blog over the past year and am looking forward to following along with you. This is my first 365 so can’t wait. The light in this photo is amazing!ReplyCancel

  • Yazmin @ A Pretty Rock - Love those tiny painted nails of hers peeking out!ReplyCancel

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