

So the fascination with makeup has begun with my little one.  She always has to play with my makeup when I’m getting ready.

All caught up now!  YAY!  I’ve got everyone who has left me their links for their 365 on my blog roll now.  I hope to get around to everyone’s blog this weekend.  If you still haven’t left me your link, please do.  I’d love to follow along. 🙂

And just in case you wanted to see…. here’s the end product.  (Instagram Photo)

  • KC - My little one likes to play with my make-up too! I should try and capture that sometime. Your photo is so sweet and nicely composed! I love that her red painted finger nails show up so well! The after shot is hilarious!

    I’m doing a 365 this year too. I welcome all feedback!

    Best of luck. I’ll be following you!ReplyCancel

  • Candace - Omg this is to precious! This is why I want a daughter!

    I’m also doing a 365 project and I love having other to share it with!ReplyCancel

  • Davina - Oh, gosh, that is so adorable. My girl hasn’t any interest yet, but I might have to sit her down and let her go at it just for my own amusement.ReplyCancel

  • sarah - Love, love, love this picture! It is just too precious. I really need to capture that with my girls sometime. They love to play in my make-up as well.ReplyCancel

  • Yazmin - Hah! Wow… that last one should be saved for some bribery later on. 😉ReplyCancel

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