
That is what my little lady calls it.  It’s pretty funny when she’s yelling it in excitement.  Every years since she was born I’ve taken a shot of her by the back window with the first snowfall.  Unfortunately our first snowfall didn’t stick and I was afraid this might be our only for the year.  So I took the shot and if we do happen to get snow I’ll take another one.  But it’s fun to see the last three years of the same type of shots.  Hopefully she’ll let me do it a few more years.

P.S.  Don’t mind our dirty window!  There’s no point cleaning it during the winter with two dogs. 😉

The round circles are snow, they were some big flakes!

Now lets go back a few years and see how much she’s grown!

Last day of 2010, Yikes on the editing!

January 15, 2012

And today!  I need to put a book on this kid’s head.  I wish you could see her profile, it’s so different then last years.

  • Tracy H - Oh wow! She has grown so much!! And her hair is so long! So pretty. I love how you take her photo each year in front of the window on your first snow fall!!ReplyCancel


Oh I love myself some piggy paint.  This stuff is awesome, 100% non toxic and their remover has no acetone.  (I swear I’m not being paid for this, I just love it.)  Anyways, while  the husband is working late and the little one is getting feisty because she misses him I break out the nail polish.  My busy little bee sits perfectly for me to paint her toes and fingers nails.  That pretty much never happens otherwise.  She was pretty happy with her nails although she kept smudging her toe nails, so finally I took a (cool) hair dryer to them.

  • Laurie - nice job, momma! and A! She looks really proud.ReplyCancel

  • courtney - i have never heard of piggy paint! need to look into that! what a fun girlie thing 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - I have never heard of piggy paint either. Gonna have to check into that. My girls love to having their nail and toes painted at all times!ReplyCancel


So one of my “rules” (I don’t technically have rules but you know what I mean) is that I don’t always have to take a photo with my big camera.  Just a camera will do.  This just makes my life easier.  Lets face it, here in Washington it has been constant doom and gloom and being a natural light photographer this limits my creativity.  I could shoot indoor low light but I’ve been so tired lately that if I don’t get the photo done early, it might not happen.  So as long as it’s taken with any form of camera it counts!

We’re having a bit of cabin fever as you can probably tell from our silly photos.  We just need one day of nice weather to break up all this rain.  There’s sun in the forecast for next week, so keep your fingers crossed for me. 🙂

  • Courtney - These are so fun!! Sorry about the cabin fever!!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - I wonder what your pictures will get like if the sun doesn’t come out 🙂 haha! Love these Melissa!ReplyCancel

  • jessica - i love that you can take a picture with your phone and be okay with that. i also have that as one of my “rules.” goofy pics are fun!ReplyCancel

  • Dana - I’m a Jersey Girl, but I’m moving to Washington in a few months, and coming out to visit in a week– so for your sake (and mine!) I hope it clears up (and warms up a bit– I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself if it’s as cold as my fiance has been telling me it is!)ReplyCancel

    • Melissa - Hi Dana, make sure to say hello when you’re out here. We’ve got lots of photographer meet ups around here so you should come to one. Are you a ClickinMom’s member?ReplyCancel

  • Dana - Hi! Actually- I think I’m going to be on the opposite end of the state of where you are from- ill be in Spokane. I am not a Clickin Moms member yet as we don’t have kids yet, but I probably will become a member when we do and I’d love to get together for one of the Clickin Walks!ReplyCancel


The babe was down, the hubby was working late so I crawled into bed for some me time.  Nothing like Pinterest and your favorite show on Hulu.  I’ll give you 100 points if you can guess the show I’m watching.  The colors are part of the “theme song” even though it really doesn’t have one.  One hint, it’s on Sunday nights.