
So the fascination with makeup has begun with my little one.  She always has to play with my makeup when I’m getting ready.

All caught up now!  YAY!  I’ve got everyone who has left me their links for their 365 on my blog roll now.  I hope to get around to everyone’s blog this weekend.  If you still haven’t left me your link, please do.  I’d love to follow along. 🙂

And just in case you wanted to see…. here’s the end product.  (Instagram Photo)

  • KC - My little one likes to play with my make-up too! I should try and capture that sometime. Your photo is so sweet and nicely composed! I love that her red painted finger nails show up so well! The after shot is hilarious!

    I’m doing a 365 this year too. I welcome all feedback!

    Best of luck. I’ll be following you!ReplyCancel

  • Candace - Omg this is to precious! This is why I want a daughter!

    I’m also doing a 365 project and I love having other to share it with!ReplyCancel

  • Davina - Oh, gosh, that is so adorable. My girl hasn’t any interest yet, but I might have to sit her down and let her go at it just for my own amusement.ReplyCancel

  • sarah - Love, love, love this picture! It is just too precious. I really need to capture that with my girls sometime. They love to play in my make-up as well.ReplyCancel

  • Yazmin - Hah! Wow… that last one should be saved for some bribery later on. 😉ReplyCancel


We always read to A every night before bed.  Some nights she chooses to read to us.  This night was one of those nights, she was reading her favorite “Queen” book (aka.  Lighting McQueen from Cars).

  • Emily - I love how you captured her so engaged in reading and the light is beautiful! Another gorgeous photo Melissa!ReplyCancel

  • Davina - So awesome that she likes to read to you! Very sweet!ReplyCancel


If you’ve been following me for a while then you have seen Lambie a lot.  It’s A’s favorite lovie and she doesn’t like to do much of anything without it.  This is Lambie’s place through most of the day, wrapped up in her blanket on A’s hip.  I’m sure you’ll see a lot more of her this year too.

  • Davina - you’ll be so glad you have this image when she is older. love it.ReplyCancel


Falling behind all ready, I knew this was going to happen.  If anyone wants to nag me, I’d appreciate it.  Hope to catch up tonight!

The sun FINALLY came out and we ran outside to enjoy it.  It rained all December except for two days, so we were ready for it.  Unfortunately everything was super wet and there were slugs everywhere.  One happened to get on A’s toys and she touched it and that was it for playing outside.  She was so grossed out she wanted in the house and wouldn’t go near the backdoor the rest of the day.  Silly girl.

  • Emily - I LOVE this! The rare WA sunshine is lovely and the way you captured the light and the moment is beautiful. Amazing bokeh too, what a stunning photo Melissa!ReplyCancel

  • Davina - What Emily said! This is so lovely! She looks like such a big girl here. Beautiful lighting! So funny about the slug.ReplyCancel

So I’m a day late with this post but better late then never I guess!  I still can’t believe it’s the new year, it went by so fast.  Not too many huge things happen this past year other than the hubby changing jobs.  I think the only thing I can think of is I didn’t pick up my camera much this last year.  I would go weeks without taking any photos and that is so sad.  So obviously you can understand why I’m doing a 365 again.  I learned photography three years ago because I was having a baby and I wanted to document everything. I did a great job except for this last year and looking back I wish I had done better.  But since I can’t change the past I plan on making this year different. 🙂 But anyways, here are my goals this year that I hope to accomplish.

1.  Finish editing previous years.  I still have 2011 photos that need to be edited.  Mostly our trip photos but it would be nice to finally finish everything and not have this nagging feeling anymore.

2.  PRINT PHOTOS!!!  Good grief, I’m pretty sure this was last years.  I did do better this year! I finally filled our hallway frames with photos which were empty for months. But I  need to print out our family books from the last three years.  This is a must and something I truly hope does get accomplished.

3.  Less internet time.  I spend way too much time on the internet even though I cut back.  It’s too addicting.  But I might make “office hours” for when I allow myself online.  This year is going to be a year about my family and not about aimless web surfing.

4.  My 365 project.  Obviously that is one and one that scares me.  Last time I did it I was so hard on myself for missing a day or two.  This year not so much.  If I miss a day or two or a week, whatever!  As long as I document our life for the most part I’ll be extremely happy.  Life happens, it’s time to roll with it.

5.  Be in photos with Adalyn.  I’ve been working on this but I still feel like a ghost when I go back and look at things we’ve done.  I was there but at the same time it doesn’t seem like it.

6. Redo Workshops.  I stole this one from some friends.  But I thought it was a good one.  I’ve taken a lot of workshops and have a lot of material.  I know it will benefit my photography to go back and redo them on my own time.

And I think that is about it.  Six goals is good enough.  We have personal/family goals for this year too but I’m going to keep those one private.  Anyways, here’s to 2013.  May it be an amazing year!

  • Danielly Nobile - These are great goals!ReplyCancel

  • Tracy H - Great goals! Love the less internet time. I do the same and need to cut back. My family felt it this year. Wishing you the best in completing your goals!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - Great goals! I should write mine out as well…maybe tomorrow 🙂 I too need to cut back on the internet. 🙁 I waste so much valuable time doing basically nothing.ReplyCancel

  • Emily - I love the positivity of your goals and of your attitude on the 365. I need to work on being less hard on myself about that and other things as well. I tried to be a bit more realistic in my goals this year. Good luck on yours! The light in the picture of Adalyn in gorgeous by the way! Thank you for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - Yeah, one of my goals is to print pictures as well. It’s really bad how far behind I am!ReplyCancel

  • Courtney - I love these goals!! I am going to try and print photos once a month. Want to encourage each other 🙂 Love the lighting and editing of this shot!! I’m going to make office hours as well. Let me know what you come up with 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Yazmin @ A Pretty Rock - We have just about the same goals! Just approached differently. Love the light in this photo.ReplyCancel

  • Courtney - 365 huh?? Where are the other photos 🙂 (this is me nagging you 🙂ReplyCancel